Making it happen

Developing strategy that inspires action

Herefordshire Cultural Partnership has taken a leading role in developing and overseeing cultural strategy for the county since 2015. The 2019-2029 strategy was developed with input from a wide range of arts and heritage groups from across the area, and informed by in-depth consultation, an Arts Council funded consultancy, and research into national and international good practice. We have also developed a roadmap which sets out strategic initiatives and key milestones to support the strategy and inspire action.

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Dancer upside down in the air at an outdoor performance

Strategic Foundations

Building a strong base for culture to thrive

Herefordshire Cultural Strategy 2019-2029 focuses on the arts and heritage, and includes a wide range of activity: performing arts, literature, music, crafts, visual and digital arts, photography, design, architecture, fashion along with our creative businesses, and the buildings and facilities where we access culture – museums, arts centres, theatres, churches, village halls, cinemas, libraries, archives, galleries. We include too our wonderful natural environment, gastronomy, and the creative activities that take place in our open spaces. It runs with the grain of other county strategic plans including Herefordshire Health & Wellbeing Strategy; Invest Herefordshire; Children and Young People’s Plan etc. Importantly it provides the basis for planning and undertaking ambitious actions to bring about change, and the means for effecting that change through collaborative working, bids for funding, planning and organisation.

Crowd attending Borderlines Film Festival