Our Place Receives Place Partnership Funding from Arts Council England

In the summer of 2024, Herefordshire Cultural Partnership was awarded £596,000 through Arts Council England’s Place Partnership Programme, funded by the National Lottery.

This funding is being used to establish “Our Place”, an initiative to enhance opportunities and improve residents' quality of life by creating a new model for creative and cultural engagement with the arts in one of the UK's most rural counties.

Our Place has also received £86,400 in funding from Herefordshire Council under the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and £15,000 from public health funding.


Working with communities

Our Place funds a 3-year programme of creative events and workshops across Herefordshire, offering more ways for communities to get involved in arts, culture, and creativity where they live.

Running from 2024 to 2027, this exciting programme invites communities in Leominster, South Wye (Hereford City), and the Golden Valley to take part in creating live performances, digital content, and visual art.

Led by Herefordshire Cultural Partnership, the programme is being delivered by Leominster Cultural Consortium, Rural Media, and Meadow Arts.

    There will be an Our Place public launch event in autumn 2024.

    A Place Partnership Programme

    Our Place will deliver transformative, place-based cultural programming that improves lives in Leominster, South Wye (Hereford), and the Golden Valley. The programme will make a lasting impact on the cultural landscape of Herefordshire, enhancing health, well-being, and community spirit through the arts.

    By the end of the three-year programme, we expect to have:

    • Fostered pride in place across all three locations.
    • Used arts & culture to address health and social inequality, particularly impacting children, young people and elders in all three locations.
    • Trialled new approaches that draw on cross-sector innovation, particularly linking arts, health, and wellbeing with social prescribing networks and the Local Authority Talk Community network countywide.
    • Delivered new skills, training, and volunteering opportunities for communities and facilitators, enhancing social mobility.
    • Developed sustainable community arts provision delivery models for Herefordshire. 
    • Created an exemplary project of creative programming, analysis, and consultation that can be disseminated and employed by rural communities across the UK.

    Get Involved

    Join our mailing list to stay updated and get involved as the programme develops.


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    Opportunity: Our Place Evaluation Consultant

    Herefordshire Cultural Partnership is seeking an external Evaluation Consultant for the "Our Place" programme, a three-year initiative aimed at improving community health and wellbeing through creative arts in Herefordshire.

    The consultant will be contracted from October 2024 to May 2027, with a total contract value of £15,000. The role involves evaluating the programme's impact on participants, practitioners, and the broader community, collecting data throughout the project, and delivering a final report with key findings and recommendations. 

    Applicants should have experience in community-based arts and health evaluations, and proposals are due by 15th September 2024.

    Find out more and apply.

    Logos including Arts Council England, Funded by UK government and Herefordshire Council

    Header Image: Jubilee celebrations in Leominster, including a lion puppet and members of the Broseley Beats Samba Band. Photo credit: Richard Shakespeare.