Hereford First Friday

Welcome to First Friday - an online exhibition and live broadcast of Herefordshire-made film, art, spoken word and music.

Hosted and curated by the Young Creatives Board, First Friday is about getting together to enjoy creative work. We originally planned to run the event in shops and offices across Hereford city but the Coronavirus lockdown rules mean we've had to postpone the IRL First Friday and take it online.

Now we're coming together to host live watch parties on YouTube and share the work of local artists who we commissioned earlier this year.

The theme of these online First Fridays is well-being. Lots of the work you'll see is about mental health and about how people have been feeling before and during lockdown.

Keeping scrolling to visit the online exhibition or watch the films. We release new material, including interviews with Herefordshire artists, on the first Friday of every month.

Online Exhibition

Alongside live watch parties, the Young Creatives Board has curated this First Friday gallery of artwork and performances. All of the work showcased below responds to the theme of well-being and mental health.

Until IRL shows can go ahead, we'll be adding work to this digital exhibition.

The Young Creatives Board was established in 2019 and is supported by Herefordshire's a Great Place, a project delivered by Rural Media on behalf of the Herefordshire Cultural Partnership. Great Place is co-funded by Arts Council England and National Lottery Heritage Fund with support from Historic England and local partners.

YCB members decided to host a First Friday in Hereford to bring people together for art, music, spoken word and socialising.

If you'd like to be get involved in future First Fridays, please email